When we talk about holography it is inevitable to think of the hundreds of possible applications that now concern it.
What makes holography an increasingly attractive and high-performance technique in the eyes of clients is its communicative power.
Communication is in fact a cornerstone of today's world and holographic products represent an original and sensational way of transmitting a certain message or image. Visual merchandising, as a marketing strategy based essentially on sensorial stimuli, has fully grasped the potential of holographic products and their ability to capture the gaze and curiosity of those looking from the outside. The creation of a digital shop window or with laser projectors with the use of service holograms represents a new step towards the evolution of visual communication and the shopping experience in general.
Una soluzione pronta all’ uso e ad alte prestazioni, per lo sviluppo, il testing ed il deployment di applicazioni di Data Analytics, Machine Learning e Deep Learning scalabili. MARA è la soluzione ideale per rendere privo di ostacoli il viaggio verso le tecnologie del Data Analytics e dell’Apprendimento Automatico, la strada maestra per estrarre valore dalla enorme mole di dati oggi disponibile. Installata sulle nostre teche o quadri olografici, oggi possiamo dare vita all' ologramma, facendo interagire il sistema con il fruitore del servizio. MARA e la sua intelligenza artificiale olografica darà la possibilità di prenotare un servizio, mostrare un catalogo, richiedere la registrazione ad un utente, far acquistare un prodotto
Your holographic employees
Optimize your staff by hiring HOLOGRAMS with artificial intelligence.
What can a hologram do for you?
Become a waiter.
Become a receptionist.
Become a promoter.
Become a salesman.
Become a doctor.
The system can be connected to software you already own, such as e-commerce, booking, NFT, menus, etc.
A transportable and easily installable holographic display case, designed as an info point for large structures and shopping centres
Create your holographic avatar with our AI and promote your business with the speach to speach system.
Many structures of global importance have already tested the effectiveness of innovative marketing with holograms and metaverse.
The impact of business growth
A combination of advanced holographic technologies. This New Digital App branded holographic theater allows you to create interactive 3D holograms of different sizes through plays of light and special effects. Holographic Theater is the ideal technology for temporary or permanent installations in event and exhibition environments.
A transportable and easily installable holographic display case, designed for setting up shop windows, very bright shops, showrooms and small spaces. New Digital App allows you to project holographic videos made on request, with very high visual quality, essential for capturing the attention of potential customers.
Artificial intelligence
People can purchase or ask the AI for information.
User registration to send promotions, NFTs, fidelity and more to your smartphone.
The hologram can manage services of all internal and external facilities.
Staff costs reduced.
Integrated payment system.
Dashboard for statistics.
Choose the right display case for your business
We brand it with the shape, colors suitable for your brand.
After a thorough evaluation we teach our AI information about your property.
Installation on your points of sale.
24 hour assistance.
Transforming the user experience of the website into a Digital Human Interface with holographic 3D Avatars.
Customize the virtual assistant's knowledge base by piloting responses and paths
conversational messages offered to the user while browsing the public website;
• Convey through conversation: multimedia contents, web pages, images; crm, booking.
Check the questions for which the assistant was unable to answer and expand his knowledge base guided by the conversations actually carried out;
Acquire information about new leads;
Acquire the parameters necessary to start business processes;
• Measure conversational and engagement capacity in order to improve the knowledge base and customer satisfaction over time;
Allow operators to manage one or more live chats with users, replacing the chatbot during the conversation;
Enter the agent code and request information onMARA.AI